Thursday, May 5, 2011

Importance of Common Good in my Service

Common good is extremely important in my service and in society today. It's definition, social conditions that permit people to reach their full potential and to promote universal human development, clearly shows how important common good is in service. It is especially important in my service because I deal with educating younger kids on their faith and part of our job is to promote their spiritual development. All in all my service is very important for the common good because without it their would be hundreds of kids who would grow up not learning about their faith and God. If that happened society would be much worse off. In the program there are many standards and rules set in place to make sure dignity and learning take place. We make sure that all kids show up and participate in class to be sure that they grasp the lesson for the day. Also, we make sure they have the proper materials to learn. Their text books are provided because most visuals are in there to help learn the topic. The teachers are mandated to go over lesson plans ahead of time to make sure it is taut correctly. It is essential that all those things are done because if they were not then the children would not learn anything and that would be a detriment to their education and later society.

From my service learning experience I could take a couple of the lessons I have learned and apply them in different aspects of my life. One lesson would be to always do your best no matter the situation. Whether you are teaching a religious education class or taking a test, you should try. In my service I was faced with some tougher situations if I did not handle them properly and try to correct them the right way, a negative view would have been casted over me and the program. Another lesson I took away was doing good for you community feels good and is good. By completing thirty plus hours of service I feel like I helped everyone who I had come in contact with. If someone were to do service it gives off a rewarding feeling for you and has helped society for the better.

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